Sunday, February 6, 2011

Action Always Creates

This is Emma Grace. 

Action always creates. This has been my mantra for a while now. I am continually amazed how many stories and side stories have been produced by taking action in my life. This is one of those stories. The out of nowhere, unexpected, cool gifts from God. A story you don't really go looking for, but that wouldn't of found you had action not been taken in the first place.

I chose to take action two years ago and go to Uganda. That act began somewhat of a domino effect of stories and side stories. The choice to take that trip led to a friendship, which led to a conversation, which led to a trip to China, which led to meeting more new people, which led to tons of pictures, which led to a facebook post onto Shepherd's Field wall, which lead to Sarah (whom I had no idea existed until last week) taking a look at Shepherd's Field fb page and finding this picture of her daughter, Emma Grace.

Sarah contacted me to request a facebook tag, so she could have access to the picture. She wondered if I might have anymore. I wasn't sure, but what I did know, is that we met a crew of highschool students from Greater Atlanta Christian School there the same time Kasey, Brooke, and I were there. And good heavens, if anybody takes pictures, it's going to be highschool students, and I can guarantee they took a TON!

A few more facebook tags, a short blurb about Sarah wanting more pictures of Emma Grace (because as any parent knows, there can never be too many!), and we had ourselves a story. As I suspected, my two friends and the students of GAC pulled through and produced several more pictures of Sarah's new daughter.

 I'm not sure how many pictures Sarah ended up with. I hope she got the hook up. What I am sure of, is that this random facebook connection blessed my heart more than I can really put words to. And it has me wondering about all the side stories we don't ever hear about. The ones we may never see this side of heaven. The side stories that our actions in obedience to God produce. What eternal domino effect does taking action for God produce? When we choose to take action, to give more than we think possible, to go hug an orphan on the other side of the world, to cook dinner for the grandmother who doesn't get visited anymore, to speak of Jesus Christ and his love and forgiveness, to live that out in our lives. What effect does taking action make?

Action ALWAYS creates. Don't just sit around and think about what God might have you to do. You have a heart, He gave it to you, act on it.
Go. Do. Act.

Tutus For Emmagrace, chronicles the journey Sarah and her family took for Emma Grace. To watch Emma Grace's "gotcha video", go here.

Eyes on Ethiopia is a blog by Julie, another family in the process of adopting. This particular post talks about the moments she will miss in the life of her son, but also notes the ones who will care for him and love him before he becomes a permanent part of Julie's family.
That could be you, the one who comes before.. Remember, I'll take you to Shepherd's Field. Tell me you want to go and we'll raise money and we'll go love on some kids and some of their nannies and Clay and Jewel Floch (the American couple that lives there). Who knows what that action could produce...

Here is the post about how Kasey, Brooke, and I ended up at Shepherd's Field.

The student group we met from Greater Atlanta Christian
They were amazing! 
I stole this picture from one of their leader's fb page. that might not be legal. 

Brooke and Emma Grace. They played for a long time the day this picture was taken.